Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Watch out kids! Here comes your dad! Posted by Picasa
Arethusa Falls Posted by Picasa
Robyn and Heidi--PR Partners! Posted by Picasa

The Churchill Family musicians

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Some families vacation at the beach.... Posted by Picasa
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Family vacation. Grace stayed warm. Posted by Picasa
A bit of snow--Aaron had to dig out the sign to figure out where he was going! Posted by Picasa
Aaron in the snow kingdom (Camel's Hump) Posted by Picasa
Camel's Hump February 2005 Posted by Picasa
Winter mountain man. Who knew he grew up in the south? Posted by Picasa
Grace before the hair dye. Posted by Picasa
No turning back now! Posted by Picasa
and Voila! Posted by Picasa
Robyn and Alana after their first triathlon. Danksin July 30, 2005 Posted by Picasa
Katahdin and a whole lot of nature. Posted by Picasa
Bill, age 40, on the top of Katahdin. Aug 2005 Posted by Picasa
Bill's 40th birthday celebration--Roger may not want to come to his 50th! Posted by Picasa
Idaho August 2005 with cousin Kara and Zeke in our rented SUV. Posted by Picasa
Salmon River August 2005 Posted by Picasa
August 2005 in Idaho Posted by Picasa
Mountain girl in pink. Mt. Madison Oct 2005, Grace's 49th peak! Posted by Picasa
Grace at the Hershey Qualifier. 800 meters in 3:47.09 Posted by Picasa
Grace and Robyn on Waumbek. girls day outside. Posted by Picasa